Collagenase IV for cell biology - Kolagenaza typu IV, 1 g

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Collagenase IV for cell biology - Kolagenaza typu IV, 1 g

Collagenase IV for cell biology - Kolagenaza typu IV, 1 g

Prepared to contain lower tryptic activity levels to limit damage to membrane proteins andreceptors with normal to high collagenase activity. Suggested for pancreatic islet primaryisolation.

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Prepared to contain lower tryptic activity levels to limit damage to membrane proteins and
receptors with normal to high collagenase activity. Suggested for pancreatic islet primary

1. Reconstitution
Dissolve lyophilized powder in a balanced salt solution and sterilize by filtration through a 0.22 micron filter
membrane. Filter with low protein binding properties like PES or PVDF should be used.
2. Dissociation
Wash the tissue in sterile PBS or other balanced salt solution. Remove undesirable tissues like fat or necrotic
material and cut the tissue with a scalpel or scissors. Add collagenase solution. Crude collagenase is most
often used at 0.1% - 0.5% (w/v) concentration or 50 – 100 U/ml. Dissociation efficiency is increased if the
digest is supplemented with 3 - 5mM calcium chloride. Incubate at 37°C until disaggregation is complete.


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